eremophila alpestris การใช้
- The moorlands, on the other hand, are the territory of the northern wheatear ( Oenanthe oenanthe ), the meadow pipit ( Anthus pratensis ) and the occasional horned lark ( Eremophila alpestris ).
- Characteristic birds of this region are the chough ( " Pyrrhocorax graculus " ), the shore lark ( " Eremophila alpestris " ) and the water pipit ( Anthus spinoletta ).
- The bird species include : common pheasant Phasianus colchicus, common quail Coturnix coturnix, shore lark Eremophila alpestris, redshank Tringa totanus, stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus, moustached warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos and short-toed snake eagle Circaetus gallicus.
- The valley harbors several significant species, including the burrowing owl, " Athene cunicularia "; golden eagle, " Aquila chrysaetos "; white-tailed kite, " Elanus leucurus "; California horned lark, " Eremophila alpestris "; and the endangered tricolored blackbird, " Agelaius tricolor ".